How To Prevent Hair Fall In 4 Easy Steps

Tired of seeing more hair on your brush than on your head? We get it! Hair fall is like Voldemort–it keeps respawning every time you think it’s dead. But why does it happen? What triggers it, and how to prevent it?  Here’s everything you need to know about how to stop hair fall.

In This Article:

Understanding Hair Fall

Understanding Hair Fall

Let's get to the root of the issue.

Hair fall occurs when the rate of hair shedding exceeds hair growth, resulting in noticeable thinning. Some common reasons include hormonal changes, nutrient deficiencies (we’re looking at you, iron and vitamins!), increased stress levels, and of course, the damage from those beloved heat-styling tools. But wait, all is not lost yet.

1. Inside-Out Nourishment For Hair

The journey to healthy, beautiful hair starts on your plate. Yes, you read that right! Even the best hair care routine can fall flat without a healthy diet to support it. Just like the rest of your body, your hair craves a balanced diet rich in protein, iron, zinc, omega-3, and vitamins B, C, D, and E. Include foods like eggs, carrots, green leafy veggies, oats, and legumes in your diet and say ‘bon appétit’ to healthy hair!

2. Onion-Infused Hair Care Routine

Winning the fight against hair fall requires a smart hair care routine and the right products to back it up. Luckily, we’ve got the perfect solution up our sleeve!

Begin with a comforting pre-wash scalp massage, then lather up with our Onion, Black Seed Oil & Patchouli Shampoo. The dynamic duo of black seed and onion bulb oil in this formula cuts hair fall by 75%* in one wash. Elevate your hair care routine by combining it with our Onion, Black Seed Oil & Patchouli Conditioner for deep conditioning, reduced hair fall, and breakage prevention. Add this powerful combo to your hair care routine and let the results speak for themselves!

Pro-tip: In addition to using the right products, also keep heat-styling to a minimum. They are notorious saboteurs and can damage your hair, aggravating breakage.

3. Stress Management Techniques

STRESS: The supervillain that spares nothing, not even your hair. High stress levels ramp up cortisol production, throwing your hormones into chaos and hindering hair growth. But here’s the bright side: stress-induced hair loss is only temporary. The less you stress, the less you shed. While it may sound clichéd, activities like meditation, mindfulness, and breathwork are proven stress-busters. Pair these with a balanced diet, an active lifestyle, and a consistent hair care routine, and watch your hair come back to life!

4. Scalp Care For Stronger Hair

It’s time to bring back the good ol’ champi! The time-tested scalp massage not only melts stress away but also boosts scalp health by improving blood circulation. Better blood flow and stimulated follicles result in thicker hair, stronger roots, and reduced hair fall. For optimal results, choose an oil designed to prevent hair fall, like our Onion, Black Seed Oil & Patchouli Hair Oil––specially formulated to strengthen hair strands and reduce hair fall by up to four times*. Make this classic ritual a part of your hair fall treatment and watch your hair thrive like they deserve to!


Put an end to your hair loss worries once and for all. These seemingly tiny tips compound into a powerful defense and prevent hair fall to give you healthy, happy hair that stay right where they belong—on your head!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q:1 How do I stop my hair from shedding?

A. Ensure a nutritious diet, stay active, and learn healthy ways of managing stress. Regular oil massages can also fortify your hair and prevent hair fall.

Q:2 Is it possible to control hair fall?

A. Absolutely! Stick to a healthy hair care routine curated specifically to prevent hair fall, and keep heat-styling to a minimum.

Q:3 What to eat to stop hair fall?

A. Load up on hair-friendly foods like eggs, carrots, green leafy veggies, oats, and legumes to keep your hair happy and healthy.


Written by Prapti Vyas on Aug 12, 2024