Want Thicker Hair? These 5 Tips Will Help
5 tips for thicker hair

Do you wish, if only healthy hair could be home-delivered, just like your favourite meal? No fuss, no stress. Just a few taps and it’ll come to you in no time! Well, what we’re about to share with you today, comes really close to that. All you need to do is make small tweaks in your routine, and you’ll have thicker hair before you know it.

No matter your hair texture, you can always elevate it with these tried, tested and loved tips. Let’s not keep you waiting any longer and get right to it, shall we?

1. Being Consistent With Oil Massages

Including this little step in your wash day routine, will bear results that’ll stun you. Apply enough quantity to your scalp and massage it really well. This improves blood flow to the follicles and makes your hair thicker from the roots itself. It’s best to let the oil sit for about 3-5 hours before you shampoo. Our Onion, Black Seed Oil & Patchouli Hairfall Control Hair Oil is backed by a terrific trio of nourishing ingredients that dunk your hair in a ton of natural goodness. The best part? Its heavenly ylang-ylang fragrance will instantly calm your nerves and rejuvenate you.

Tip: Flip your hair upside down and then massage your scalp to improve blood flow.

Onion Oil

2. Reduce Heat Styling

It is a no-brainer that the more you expose your hair and scalp to heat, the more brittle it gets and breaks. Opt for heatless styling methods that will fetch you similar results, without compromising on your hair health. Alternatively, you can also opt for air-drying. Post shower, use an old cotton tee/microfiber towel to soak up excess water and allow air to do its thing. Unless necessary, steer clear from hair dryers as they damage your hair in the long run.

But if you must, always use a heat protector. Our Argan Oil & Lavender Hair Serum for Frizz free hair provides up to 230 degrees of heat protection and 99% reduced hair breakage.

Argan hair serum

3. Detangle With Care

No aggressive combing. No repeated brushing. Because all these would lead to breakage, which can be easily avoided. What you should do is only stick to wide-tooth combs to take care of the knots. They are quite gentle, and get the job done while causing minimal hair loss. Start from the ends and then go upwards towards the roots. If you have curly hair, it's best to skip combing altogether and run your fingers to detangle. Although, as a thumb rule, always detangle when you have your conditioner on.

4. Bask In The Goodness With A Mask

Simply replacing your conditioner with a hair mask once a week will reap you awe-worthy results. Take the benefits of a conditioner and then multiply it 5x times. Get intense nourishment, shine, better hair growth, and up to 95% lesser hair fall with our Onion, Black Seed Oil & Patchouli Hairfall Control, Paraben Free Hair Mask. It plays part of an essential emollient that accelerates your journey towards achieving stronger, thicker hair.

Onion hair mask

5. Watch Your Shampoo Game

There are three things to keep in mind while talking about shampoos. The frequency, the quality and the ingredients. Shampooing too much or even too little can deteriorate your hair quality. It’s imperative to look out for words like ‘sulfate-free’, ‘paraben-free’ in your shampoo. Although they’re surfactants, this duo can dry out your hair and cause breakage. Lastly, look out for ingredients that aid hair growth and bounce.

Our Curry Leaves, Biotin & Mandarin Sulfate Free Shampoo For Long & Strong Hair consists of a blend of potent ingredients that bestow never-seen-before vitality and thickness.

Curry leaves sulfate free shampoo

Frequently Asked Questions

Q:1 How to get thicker hair?

A. You can achieve thicker hair with little tweaks in your hair care routine. Rely on using nourishing a hair mask once a week, allow your hair to air dry rather than using hair dryers, and limit your usage of heat stylers. Along with this, ensure to always oil your hair before shampooing. This will nourish your roots and promote the growth of thicker hair from the roots itself.

Q:2 What ingredients can make your hair thicker?

A. Nature has a plethora of potent ingredients that improve your hair quality, reduce split ends and make them grow stronger. Use hair care products that include any of these ingredients - onion, curry leaves, black seed oil, coconut oil, aloe vera or argan oil.

Q:3 Can thin hair get thick again?

A. Yes, absolutely! Stress, excessive heat styling, age and even genetics can deplete your hair’s thickness. Keeping your scalp and roots healthy is how you can promote the growth of thick hair. You can do the same by oiling regularly, refraining from wearing tight hairstyles and following a nourishing hair care routine.


Written by Team Love Beauty And Planet on Nov 09, 2023